Hot MILF encounter in Cupertinolooking for...
dating the official hot mess winner for a while...I stepped out of the dating world to take a break. He calls today and I finally had all my fears confirmed and am thankful for walking when I did and thankful for taking the time I did. Now I can say im ready to date again. So what am i looking is my list! A real man...not a wishy washy kinda man but a real man who has lived life..made mistakes and GROWN from them. A man who has his life together ..yes I know life throws your curves but after you turn 30 its not cute hustlin anymore you need a career with benefits. I have one...a great one. That instead of being stupid I went to school..decided I liked it so much I got a masters degree! A real man values a woman who is smart but also knows she longs to be a wife and mother again and will make her dreams come true. A man who knows when something good is in front of him and he doesn't let go...yes we all love country music but the one that got away only works once when we were its called f-n up. A man who lives in the real world....yea we all love Sons of Anarchy and all have dellusions of being in a bicker gang but I ain't no katey segal and you ain't no Charlie hunnam so please don't try to be A man who shows his love....when you really love someone it pours from you. And finally an understanding man...because im not perfect and neither are you but I promise to laugh at your inperfections only for a min and then still do ya. So I wrote this after a couple of glasses of wine. And one lovely phone call. I know doesn't say much about me and ill only get responses from men from Africa wanting money but im giving this a try. Im 33..Hispanic..chubby girl. Im no model but I don't scare away small children. Oh and I have all my teeth...apparently that's a big